Rocket Espresso FAQs

After Sales

Rocket Servicing

We partner with a company called Coffee Classics who do Rocket servicing and repairs. They have engineers who can do a Rocket service across the UK and can be reached on 01788 890 834 or via their website;

Rocket Appartamento - Changing Inner Panel

To fit replacement inner coloured panels of your Appartamento follow the instructions below.

Tools needed:

Small phillips screwdriver

2.5mm allen key

7mm wrench/adjustable wrench

1. Remove the top panel of the Appartamento. You will need to remove the water tank before removing the screws around the water tank. You will also need to remove the cup rail from the top of the machine. There are 6 screws total.

2. Remove the inner top panel from the machine. You will only need to loosen the hex nuts here, the panel will slide out without fully removing them.

3. There are 2 screws holding in the long tabs that hold the inner panel in place. When you remove the screws, hold the tabs out as shown in the picture, and you should be able to use your other hand to adjust the panel back to the centre. Push the tabs back into place when the panel is centered and put the screws back in to secure it in place.

4. Reinstall the inner top panel, then the top panel - and you're finished!

How to Guides



To produce the perfect espresso requires not only a great machine, but knowledge and passion.  Our guides are designed to help you get the best from your Rocket Espresso machine, the rest is up to you.

ESPRESSO: overview of the espresso craft, featuring the Giotto Evoluzione; one of the bespoke espresso machines handmade in our factory based in Liscate near Milan.



Control the rate of extraction to get the best flavour from your coffee. This is the secret to great espresso.



Add perfectly heated and textured milk to enhance your latte, flat white or cappuccino.



With regular cleaning and simple maintenance of your espresso machine, the coffee will taste better & your machine will run more smoothly.


Faustino Instructions

Instructions for the Rocket Faustino Grinder V3.

Click here


Firstly ensure your water tank is full, or water supply is connected if you have plumbed it.

Then turn on the machine.

Lock the portafilter into the group head. Wait 15 minutes.

Take this time to start reading up on how to brew and froth below, if this is your first machine or if you're new to pulling shots.

Grinding coffee

Firstly ensure your grinder is set to a fine setting and the grinds are nice and fluffy.

Level off the grounds in your portafilter, by hand or with a leveller.

Keep your tamper level with the basket

Apply consistent force downward, evenly, and level with the portafilter 30 lbs. of pressure is a good rule-of-thumb to follow for beginners.

Brew process

Lock the portafilter into the brew group. 

Lift the brew lever to 90 degrees 

Aim for about 25 to 30 seconds.

If it runs too fast then either grind finer or increase the dose size, eg a double shot can be between 18g and 20g


Your R58 machine is factory set to optimum working parameters. 

Nevertheless you can set your personal parameters using the remote controller (with display) that you can connect to your machine.

It is important that the R58 is turned OFF when connecting or disconnecting the PID display. If you are using the machine with the PID attached ensure that the display is properly connected to the machine.


Please find below the default factory settings. To change the settings please refer to the user instructions. • Operation: Pour over (water reservoir)

• Service boiler: Heating on, set to 123°C

• Brew boiler: The temperature of the coffee water brew boiler is set to 105 °C R 60V PRESSURE PROFILE SETTINGS

• Pressure Profile A 6” – 4 Bar 18” - 9 Bar 6” - 5 Bar • Pressure Profile B 8” - 4 Bar 22” – 9 Bar • Pressure Profile C 20” – 9 Bar 10” – 5 Bar


Modern coffee roasting companies, cafes and professional baristas have very precise brewing preferences for their coffees. 

Specific blends, single origins and roast profiles can perform better at incrementally different temperatures.

Rocket Espresso machines measure the *exact boiler temperature and display that reading on the controller. 

The table below shows the boiler temperature and the corresponding group head temperature.


  1. Turn off the machine.
  2. Remove the drip tray and portafilter.
  3. Turn the machine on.
  4. The display will initially show the software version and then immediately show the boiler setting temperature.
  5. To change the boiler temperature, keep key A pressed until the display reads PrG. Then immediately press key B. 
  6. Press key A or B to increase or decrease the temperature. After 3 seconds it will memorise and display the temperature you keyed in.

Most espresso machines measure the water temperature used for the extraction in the brew boiler. The boiler temperature reading is then converted into a group head extraction temperature. This information is misleading and inaccurate as the digital readout on many machines does not display the real temperature at the group, rather the temperature the manufacturer wishes the user to see. • Rocket Espresso measures and displays boiler temperature. The table above indicates ‘real’ group temperature through precise measurement using the SCACE meter.


  1. Place fresh coffee grounds into the portafilter basket until full or overflowing.
  2. Knock the handle on the tamping mat once to settle the grounds.
  3. Evenly distribute the grounds to a level flush with the rim of the filter basket. Release any excess grounds back into the doser hopper.
  4. Compress the grounds with a tamper, pressing firmly, then twist the tamper to smooth the surface of the grounds. Tamp pressure should be around 30kg so the applied pressure should be very firm.
  5. Rocket Espresso filter baskets have a reference line inside them, that the grounds, once tamped, should be level with.

  • Insert the portafilter into the group head and activate the pump immediately by lifting the brew lever.
  • Observe the flow.
  • Liquid volume should be 50-60ml in 20-30 seconds (from the double handle or 25-30ml in 25-30 seconds if using the single basket. Stop the pump appropriately.
  • Serve immediately or combine with milk to prepare an espresso based beverage.
  • Remove portafilter and knock out spent coffee.
  • Wipe filter basket clean and flush group head.
  • Return portafilter to group head to keep portafilter heated


  • Ensure that your dosing and tamping is consistent.
  • Good extraction is characterised by a 5–10 second delay before any coffee will pour. Heavy droplets will appear and develop into a thick, straight and even pour. The colour will be dark brown or hazelnut, preferably with a reddish reflection (see page 33).
  • The pour should be cut off before the colour lightens and the pour begins to curl in.
  • If the flow is too fast (another sign is a pale crema and white streaks) then adjust your grind to make it finer.
  • The finer the grind the slower the extraction. The coarser the grind the faster the extraction.
  • If the flow rate is too slow, adjust your grind setting to make it coarser.
  • Correct grind equals correct extraction equals correct flavour.


  1. Half fill your stainless milk jug with fresh cold milk. Use a 250ml jug if you are preparing milk for one milk coffee. Use the 500ml jug if preparing two milk coffees.
  2. Purge the steam wand of condensation by quickly releasing steam into the atmosphere for a few seconds.
  3. Place the steam wand nozzle just under the surface of the milk and to the side. Turn the steam pressure on fully. You should hear a sipping type sound which is the sound of the milk increasing in volume. The milk should also be swirling in a whirlpool motion which folds out the air bubbles and improves the texture of the heated milk.
  4. Keep the jug steady so that large bubbles do not develop.
  5. You are aiming to stretch the half a jug of milk to three-quarters full and to have a dense and satisfying microfoam texture.
  6. Turn off the steam pressure when the milk is about 65° or the milk jug is just too hot to touch.
  7. Remove the milk jug, clean the steam wand with a wet cloth and purge the wand of any milk residue.
  8. If there are any large surface bubbles, give the jug a heavy knock on the bench. Swirl the milk jug in a circular motion to reveal a gloss-like appearance. The milk is now ready to pour. Do not delay or the texture will separate in the jug.


  1. Start by pouring the heated milk gently into the centre of the crema ensuring that the crema stays intac
  2. Once the espresso and milk is nicely combined and the volume in the cup is about half full, speed up the pouring process by taking the spout closer to the cup and increasing the angle on the pour.
  3. Keep the jug as close to the surface of the beverage as possible. Rock the jug side to side to release the heavier textured milk into the cup. This is how one creates shapes and patterns in the cup.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting


Proper machine maintenance is critical for machine function. 

Most machine failures are caused by lack of cleaning and many manufacturer warranties do not cover cleaning related breakdowns, so it is important to keep a regular maintenance schedule.

Backflushing is the single most important cleaning procedure. It is the best way to prevent scale buildup in the system. Backflushing should be done at least each fortnight with the recommended backflushing powder. 


Keeping your machine clean will prolong its life and produce much better espresso beverages.


1. Clean the steam nozzle after every use by wiping with a damp cloth. Turn the steam wand on to release condensation and milk residue.

2. If the steam jets get blocked with dry milk use a paper clip to unclog them.


1. Remove the filter basket from the portafilter and fit the back flush cap.

2. While the brew water is flowing loosely insert the portafilter into the group head, rotating the portafilter back and forth. Keep emptying the blind basket of hot water and old grounds until the water runs clear.

3. You should backflush the group head every day.


1. After backflushing, add a small amount of espresso cleaning detergent to the blind basket. Dissolve the detergent in hot water and insert the portafilter into the group head. Use a solution readily available at your local store.

2. Turn the brew lever on and off again after about 10 seconds. Repeat this several times.

3. Empty the basket of the detergent and backflush using water only as above until the group is thoroughly cleansed of detergent residue.

Steam Wand Cleaning

The steam wand should be cleaned daily once the machine is finished for the day. Milk residues quickly build up on the steam wand, so it's important to keep it clean to prevent blockages from forming.


Our network of UK based Rocket engineers can help with servicing your Rocket machine. Please contact them directly to book your service.

Pro Espresso Head UK Rocket Engineer

Keano Jesus-Oakes



Caledonian Espresso Service

Ground Floor

Business Park, 3 Straiton View, Straiton, Loanhead EH20 9QZ

Tel: 0131 453 1993


Cheshire Coffee Company

Unit 51, CoWorkz, Minerva Ave, Chester CH1 4QL

01244 563 493


Coffee Classics Ltd

Wayside House, Unit 1, The Stables, Wayside @ Braunston Business Park, London Rd, Braunston, Daventry NN11 7HB

01788 890834


Espresso Care Solutions Ltd

Unit 1 Audley Ct, Thetford IP24 1HT

01842 818 664


Smith’s Coffee Company Limited

Arabica House

Ebberns Rd, Hemel Hempstead HP3 9RD

01442 234 239


South West Coffee Tech

Rocket Service Centre

South West england And South wales

07513 902955


The Heavenly Coffee Co

Redwood Court, Campbell Way, Dinnington, Sheffield S25 3NQ

01909 519511



3 Derwent Court Andover SP10 5EQ


Servicing costs are not covered under the machine warranty and engineers will need to be paid directly for any booking.

If you purchased your Rocket through Pro Espresso and it is still within the warranty period please first see our Quick Guide to check if it is a maintenance issue requiring a service due to wear and tear, or limescale buildup, or whether a faulty part needs replacing under warranty.


Bad Tasting coffee or No Crema

Typically, issues with crema or the flavour of the coffee do not indicate a malfunction of the machine. Instead, this indicates that an adjustment needs to be made in the grinder, brewing process or that different fresher beans need to be used.

It is important to use fresh beans, typically beans roasted within the past two weeks are best. 

Light and medium roasts are best for espresso brewing and richer crema. 

Storing beans properly is also important, more information can be found here. If the behavior persists after reviewing these factors then the machine may need to be cleaned. Lack of cleaning can cause burned or bitter flavours, or create flow issues which can result in a weak shot. 

Difficulty Frothing

As with brewing, technique is critical to frothing well. Frothing is very sensitive to technique, which has a steep learning curve. If the machine is producing steam then an adjustment to technique may need to be made. 

It is important not to overheat your milk. The milk will have the sweetest and most velvety texture between 140-150 F°. As you froth past this point the milk will lose its sweetness, the froth will take on a gummier texture, and eventually the milk will scald and begin to taste burnt. 

Flow Issues

The first place to start with any flow issue is cleaning the machine. Before going through these steps please make sure the machine is cleaned according to the Cleaning & Maintenance section. 

No Steam From Wand / No Hot Water From Hot Water Tap 

Check the brew function on the machine and see if water is able to flow through the machine for this function. 

If you are able to draw steam from the steam wand then the steam boiler must be pressurising and heating. If there's no steam from the steam wand, check the hot water function of the machine. If you are able to draw hot water then the steam boiler must be pressurising and heating, because hot water is expelled from the machine by steam pressure. 

Check the steam gauge of the machine. Does it show pressure?

Typical range for the steam gauge should be 1-1.2 Bar. If the gauge is within the 1-1.2 Bar range, then the steam wand is likely blocked. Remove the tip from the steam wand and test the flow. If flow is restored, then the tip needs to be cleaned and reattached. 

If the flow is still blocked, then there may be a blockage in the steam wand itself. Clean the wand by using a pipe brush that has synthetic or plastic bristles; metal bristles can damage the wand. Then soak the wand in a solution of hot water and backflushing powder for ten minutes. Test flow again. If there still isn't flow, then there may be a blockage farther back in the steam circuit. 

The machine may need to be professionally cleaned to remove the blockage. 

Poor Or No Flow From Grouphead

If the steam/hot water for the machine is working fine then there is likely something causing a blockage or pressure issue in the brew circuit. 

If a water softener is attached to the inlet line of the machine, it may be preventing water from flowing. Please remove the softener and see if the flow improves. 

The grouphead could be dirty and needs to be cleaned. Taking apart the grouphead for manual cleaning is the first step. If cleaning the grouphead restores flow to the grouphead, the machine should be immediately backflushed to prevent further flow issues.  

There might be a kinked, broken, or loose line somewhere in the machine. Remove the top of the machine and take a look inside to see if you see any obvious issues. There might be an issue with one of the internal valve assemblies, which may need to be cleaned or replaced.

No Flow At All

If the machine is set to the plumbed mode:

  1. First try switching to the reservoir mode temporarily and see if it resolves the issue. If this resolves the flow issue, then the issue is specific to the inlet plumb line, and you should go to the next step. Otherwise keep the machine in reservoir mode and skip down to the next section which deals with testing the "No Flow" issue for the machine in reservoir mode.
  2. Return the machine to plumb mode. The next thing to check is to see if we can isolate where the flow issue is occurring for the plumb line. Try putting the plumb line hosing into an external bucket or container filled with water and see if the machine will draw water from this source. If it can't, then there may be a blockage somewhere in the plumb line itself.
  3. If you are able to draw water from the plumb line, then there may be an issue with the plumbing supplying this line.

If the machine is set to use the reservoir:

  1. If the pump does not sound like it is activating:
    • Check to make sure the water tank is filled, and the machine isn't indicating that the water tank is empty.
    • If the tank is empty, refill it.
    • If the tank is full, but the machine thinks the water tank is empty then the tank may not be seated correctly. Make sure there isn't anything blocking the tank from sitting flush inside the machine.
    1. Remove the cover of the machine and check for any loose or disconnected wires.
    2. Make sure there aren't any kinked or pinched hoses.
    3. There may be an issue with the water tank sensor. The tank's level sensor is not compatible with reverse osmosis or zero waters because of their lack of mineral content. The sensor depends on minerals being in the water to pass an electrical signal which tells the machine that water is present in the tank. Waters that don't have enough mineral content will not be able to pass this electrical signal, so the machine will not think water is present.
    4. There may be an issue with the pump powering on.
  2. If the pump does sound like it is activating:
    • Check the water tank to make sure it is filled and that both the inlet line and the return lines are inserted into the tank. Make sure the inlet line in particular is below the surface of the water.
    • If you are using the water softener on the inlet line, try removing it and see if water can flow through the machine.
    • Open up the machine. Make sure there aren't any kinked or pinched hoses anywhere.
    • There may be a stuck valve inside the machine.

Machine Is Leaking

Between Portafilter & Grouphead 

If the machine is leaking from between the grouphead and the portafilter then the grouphead gasket is either pushed out of place and needs to be reinserted properly, or the gasket is worn out. 

Typically, grouphead gaskets will wear out in approximately 6 months to a year depending on how heavily the machine is used. Premature wear to this gasket can be caused by using excessive force when attaching the portafilter. It is important to distinguish where the leaking is occurring.

From Bottom Of Machine

  1. Check the water tank and drip tray to make sure there are no cracks or breaks where water can escape. Make sure they are properly positioned on the machine.
  2. Open the machine and check all of the connectionsto make sure they are securely attached.
    • Examine the pump and boiler assemblies to see if there are any cracks in them. If the machine was exposed to subfreezing conditions without being properly drained it can cause these components to crack. These parts will need to be replaced if they are cracked.
    • Make sure both the inlet line and the outlet line on the pump are securely connected.
    • Check the various valves located on top of the boiler assembly.
    • If water is leaking from the relief valves, then the boiler may be overfilling. Distilled, reverse osmosis, and zero water are not compatible with this style of machine as the water level probe depends on minerals in the water to detect its presence. These water types do not contain minerals, and so the machine will continuously fill until it overflows, usually resulting in water leaking from the relief valves.
    • If water is leaking from the relief valves even though you are using a water that contains minerals, then you may need to clean the water level probe.
  1. If the machine is connected to a water line, then there may be too much pressure at the inlet line. The pressure restrictor may need to be adjusted, or if you do not have a pressure restrictor installed you may need to install one.
  2. If the valves are leaking directly from where they screw into the boiler, then they may have a broken seal. Try resealing the valves by using white teflon plumbers tape or food safe permabond and screwing them back into the boiler.
  3. If there are any broken or cracked hoses, or hoses with pinhole leaks, they will need to be replaced.
  1. If your machine features drain plumbing, make sure the drain line is securely attached and that water is being correctly directed into the drain cup.
  2. If you cannot find the source of the leak, it's possible the water you are seeing is from water spilled when refilling the machine, or from the drip tray being out of position. It is also possible to run the unit with the casing off to help identify the source of the leak; precautions should be taken to protect yourself from any exposed wiring or hot water or steam that comes from the machine if you attempt this.



Steam From Top Of Machine

If there is steam coming from the top of the machine then one of the relief valves is venting steam.

  1. If the steam is leaking from the machine while it is heating up,with more and more steam coming from the top as the machine heats more, then the steam is coming from the vacuum relief valve.
    • The vacuum relief valve is meant to vent steam until a certain amount of pressure has built up in the boiler. It is normal for this valve to vent steam as the machine is heating. Once enough steam pressure is built up in the boiler the valve will pop closed.
    • If the machine is fully heated and the vacuum relief valve is still not closing then it may need to be cleaned.
    • If cleaning the vacuum relief valve has not resolved the issue, then the vacuum relief valve may be broken and will need to be replaced.
  2. If the steam is leaking from the machine after it is fully heated,then the pressure relief valve may be relieving excess steam pressure.
    • The pressurestat may need to be lowered. If the pressure is set too high the relief valve may open.
    • The pressure relief may be stuck open.
    • If the relief valve is still opening, then either the pressurestat or the relief valve may be broken and will need to be replaced.



From Steam Wand Or Hot Water Tap

  1. If either wand is leaking from the end of the wand,it means the steam/hot water valve is not fully closed.
    • Make sure the knob is securely in the closed position.
    • If the knob feels loose, or doesn't appear to be properly engaging, then there may be a loose or broken part in the knob assembly.
    • If the leaking persists, then the corresponding valve may need to be replaced.
  2. If the wand is leaking between the tip and the arm of the wand during use, there is an o-ring that is broken, missing, or out of position. Unscrew the tip that is leaking and check the o-ring that seals the tip to the wand. Make sure all of the parts are clean and that the o-ring isn't damaged or broken. The metal steam or hot water tips can be soaked in a solution of hot water and backflushing powder for more effective cleaning.
  3. If the wand is leaking from the ball joint,then there may an o-ring that is worn out or out of position.
    1. These instructions apply to both the steam and hot water wands. First remove the wand arm. This can be done by unscrewing the hex shaped nut at the top of the arm using an adjustable or open-ended wrench.
    2. Once the wand is removed you may have parts stick to the valve assembly. Do not lose these parts. A blowout of both wand assemblies can seen on p.10 of the parts diagram.
    3. There are a few different o-rings in this assembly. Make sure everything is clean and that the o-ring aren't damaged or broken.
    4. Inspect the tension spring, listed as part 10 on p.10, to make sure it is in good condition. The spring should be really firm. If it is easily compressed then it may need to be replaced. The bottom of the spring will have a metal gasket, which helps the wand pivot on the spring Make sure these parts are clean and reinstall them.

Machine Not Heating Or Powering On

No Power

  1. Make sure the machine is plugged into an appropriate power source.
    • Do not use the machine on a surge protector. This machine has a high power draw, more than a typical kitchen appliance such as a refrigerator or a microwave. Surge protectors are typically not rated to handle the amperage this machine requires.
    • Try using the machine on a different outlet, and make sure the machine is the only appliance plugged into that outlet.
  2. Make sure the power switches are functioning properly and not broken. If the machine isn't powering on try pressing and holding the power button in the on position to see if the machine turns on. If you are able to power the machine on this way then the power switch needs to be replaced.
  3. If the machine recently had a leak, had water spilled on it, or any other exposure to moisture then the machine may be shorting out. Try letting the machine sit unplugged for 48 hours to make sure there isn't a short caused by moisture.


Brew Not Heating

  1. Give the machine sufficient time to heat up. A heating time of 20-30 minutes is recommended for prosumer style machines for it to be sufficiently heated for brewing. Make sure the portafilter is attached during heating.
  2. Make sure the heating indicator is on. If the heating indicator is not on, then the machine will not heat. Typically this light will be off if the machine is out of water or not able to fill the boiler.
  3. The pressurestat may be set too low resulting in a lower temperature. Be cautious when adjusting the pressurestat. Setting it too high can cause the machine to overheat, resulting in the pressure relief valve blowing off excess steam.
  4. The high limit switch may be tripped and needs to be reset. Instructions for resetting the high limit switches can be found below after the cover is removed. Make sure the machine is turned off and unplugged.
  5. The heating element may be broken and may require replacement.



Steam Not Heating

  • If the machine is producing steam, but you think it's not producing enough steam, make sure that you are purging the line before frothing. To purge the line simply open the steam knob and let steam come through until it changes from mostly water to mostly steam. When steam leaves the boiler and hits the cold wand it is going to condense back into water. If you do not purge the line it will affect the way the steam wand froths.
  • Make sure the steam boiler is turned on for the machine. Most prosumer units feature a switch, button, or PID menu option to turn the steam boiler off.
  • Give the machine sufficient time to heat up. A heating time of 20-30 minutes is recommended for prosumer style machines for it to be sufficiently heated for brewing. Make sure the portafilter is attached during heating.
  • Make sure the heating indicator is on. If the heating indicator is not on, then the machine will not heat. Typically this light will be off if the machine is out of water or not able to fill the boiler.
  • The pressurestat may be set too low resulting in a lower brew temperature. Be cautious when adjusting the pressurestat. Setting it too high can cause the machine to overheat, resulting in the pressure relief valve blowing off excess steam.
  • The high limit switch may be tripped and needs to be reset. Instructions for resetting the high limit switches can be found below after the cover is removed. Make sure the machine is turned off and unplugged.
  • The heating element may be broken and may require replacement.



On But Not Heating

The tank's level sensor is not compatible with reverse osmosis or zero waters because of their lack of mineral content. The sensor depends on minerals being in the water to pass an electrical signal which tells the machine that water is present in the tank. Waters that don't have enough mineral content will not be able to pass this electrical signal, so the machine will not think water is present, and will not heat as a result.

  1. There is a loose, disconnected, or broken wire inside the machine. Remove the top of the machine and inspect the wiring.
  2. The high limit switch of the machine may have tripped. Instructions for resetting the high limit switches can be found below after the cover is removed. Make sure the machine is turned off and unplugged.
  3. The outlet the machine is plugged into is not rated to handle the power draw of the machine.

Portafilter Handle Not Fitting On Machine

  1. On all new machines, the portafilter may or may not fit perpendicular to the machine. This is perfectly normal. This is because the grouphead gasket requires time to wear in before this can happen. As long as you can get the portafilter hand tight onto the machine and brew without leaking, then the machine is operating properly.
  2. Too much coffee may be dosed into the portafilter. If there is too much coffee in the portafilter, it can press into the shower screen and prevent the portafilter tightening all the way. Reduce the amount of coffee in the portafilter and try again. If you see an indentation from the shower screen in the grounds, then you’ve added too much.
  3. Check the filter baskets for dings, dents, or any sort of warping. A filter basket that is malformed can prevent the filter basket from sealing up against the group gasket.
  4. The group gasket has slipped out of place or needs replacing. Please refer to the section of this article which discusses gasket issues for instructions on how to test the gasket or replace it.



• Check the filter basket is not under-dosed.

• Check the grind is not too coarse.


• Check the filter basket is not overfull.

• Check the grind is not too fine.

• Check the shower foil is not blocked - it may need to be back flushed or removed and cleaned.

• Check the spout of the handle is not blocked. If it is dirty with rancid coffee oil, it will need to be soaked in a solution of espresso head cleaning shampoo and water.


• Check the head seals. If they have dried out, they will need to be replaced.

• Ensure the group handles are kept in place whenever the machine is not in use, as this will help to protect the seals.


• Check the cups are warm. You can heat your cups by pouring hot water into them, and then discarding it, before you start the extraction.

• Too much water may have been drawn from the group head. Let the machine rest and limit the amount of water drawn from it between extractions to ensure the machine remains at temperature.


• Extraction may be too fast. Check the grind is not too coarse. Correct the dose.

• The machine may be dirty. Back flush and clean the group head. Clean the group handles and filter baskets.


• Extraction may be too slow. Check the grind is not too fine. Correct the dose.


• Extraction may be too fast. If it is, the crema will be pale. Check the grind is not too coarse. Correct the dose.


• Water from the machine may be too hot. Let some water run from the group head. Try another extraction.

• Coffee may be too fresh.


• May be due to overuse of the group head or hot water tap. Give the machine time to recover pressure.

• The steam wand may be clogged with dry milk. Remove the nozzle , soak it and unclog the jets with a paper clip.


• Ensure the milk is being stretched gradually. If air is introduced too quickly, large bubbles will form.

• Ensure the steam is releasing its full pressure and that all the jets are not blocked.

• May be due to using reheated milk. Try again with fresh milk.


• Indicates the water level is low.


• Remove the reservoir cover and lift the reservoir up with a gentle but firm pull by the two black handles.

• When you are returning the reservoir, ensure you press down so that the tank plug at the bottom is fully engaged.


Pre-order questions

Rockets in Stock

We keep over 100 Rocket machines in stock at our UK warehouse for next day dispatch to get to you in 2 to 3 days. See our live stock here


We hand deliver Rocket machines for FREE with our specialist delivery partner, Arrow XL to ensure safe delivery and handover of your Rocket. This takes 2 to 4 working days from order for in stock items. 

This is a specialist delivery, where they carry the machine for you, and position it where you want. NB: They do not unpack or take the packaging away. In our experience we have found most customers like to do the unboxing themselves.

Please look out for an email/text from our delivery partners, Arrow XL who will send you a booking calendar so you can choose the day that suits you best for delivery.

You'll also be advised the evening before of the two hour time slot for your delivery.


All Rocket Espresso machines are covered by a 2 year parts and 1 year labour warranty with ourselves as an official Rocket Espresso UK dealer. This warranty is for domestic customers only and does not include engineer callout charges or labour costs after 1 year from purchase.  Should your Rocket Espresso machine become defective during the warranty period our appointed engineers will aim to undertake the repair for you in your home. Callout and labour charges will apply after 1 year from date of purchase.

General wear and tear or damage caused by misuse of the machine are not covered by this warranty.

The warranty does not cover:
• general wear and tear
• damage due to modification or misuse of the product
• damage caused by the build-up of limescale
• damage caused by accident, such as water spillage (which may have resulted from filling the water reservoir with a bottle or water filter jug, or from wet cups on the top. NB: water spillage may damage the interior of the machine or cause the electrics to trip and result in no power.

The warranty is also subject to you following the instructions for use and maintenance guidelines supplied by the manufacturer.

This warranty is subject to the customer following the instructions for use and maintenance guidelines supplied by Rocket Espresso.

Which Rockets are plumbable?

The R type Rocket machines can be plumbed to a water supply.

These are Rockets with a rotary pump and can be found here;*